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Moving forward on the right to energy in the EU. Engagement toolkit

M. Hesselman, S. Tirado Herrero, M. Smith, M. Cornelis, I. Antepara, A. Bajomi, R. Barrella, U. Cao, S. Chatterjee, T. Cuerdo, A. Dobbins, G. Frigo, S. Fuller, M. Feenstra, J.P. Gouveia, R. Guyet, V. Kizilcec, B. Lennon, I. González Pijuán, S. Robić, C. Robinson, N. Smilevska, A. Varo, H. Yoon, L. Zivcic


Education and water are upheld as basic human rights; to date, energy is not. Energy is often treated as a commodity, with supply and demand heavily influenced by market forces. Drawing on recent developments in the EU context, this document aims to help relevant actors make a stronger case for the right to energy to support a dignified life, at affordable cost and with a right to participate in democratic energy sector decision making. The interests and well-being of persons – individually and collectively – must hold a central place in the energy sector. In this sense, this toolkit unfolds the right to energy concept and implementation in a multidisciplinary and integrated manner, thus pointing out the key points to engage people and stakeholders on this (fundamental) right.

Spanish layman's summary:

Este manual despliega el concepto y la aplicación del derecho a la energía de forma multidisciplinar e integrada, señalando así los puntos clave para involucrar a las personas y a las partes interesadas en este derecho (fundamental).

English layman's summary:

This toolkit unfolds the right to energy concept and implementation in a multidisciplinary and integrated manner, thus pointing out the key points to engage people and stakeholders on this (fundamental) right.

Keywords: Right to energy, Energy Poverty, People, Toolkit, Stakeholders

Publication date: 19-11-2021


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